Home > Recipes > Doughs and breads > Tortas fritas, Argentine fry bread

Tortas fritas, Argentine fry bread


Category: Doughs and breads

Level: Easy

Time: 00:15

Dish: Side

Number: 4

Country: Argentina

Ingredients to prepare Tortas fritas, Argentine fry bread

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How To Make Tortas fritas, Argentine fry bread

Step 1:

We begin the preparation of our tortas fritas, for it in a bowl mix the dry ingredients, such as flour, baking powder and salt, then add the warm water, butter and mix with the help of a wooden paddle until we see that the flour absorbs the liquids and begins to take the form of dough, pour it on a flat surface and knead until a smooth ball, finally we place it covered with plastic wrap and take it to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Step 2:

After two hours, remove the dough from the refrigerator, take small portions and form balls the size of a golf ball, flatten them with a rolling pin and fry them in very hot oil, brown them on both sides, remove them from the pan, place them on absorbent paper and we have our delicious tortas.

Tips for preparing Tortas fritas, Argentine fry bread

What can we accompany Tortas fritas, Argentine fry bread?

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