One of the typical sauces of Mexican cuisine is the salsa roja, which is prepared with red tomato, onion, chili and cilantro, among others, there are several options to prepare salsa roja, the first one is to roast the ingredients in a comal and once they are cooked, they are processed to obta...
The beet juice like most juice recipes, is prepared very simply and quickly, it is also very delicious and is super refreshing, which makes it ideal to take in hot weather, but you can also take it whenever you like....
The cheese arepa is a very popular dish of Colombian cuisine, which is made from precooked cornmeal, cheese and butter, then it is given a round and flattened shape and cooked on a griddle, follow our step by step videos where we will teach you how to prepare Colombian arepa with cheese, a rec...
Cucumbers with vinaigrette is one of the simplest and easiest recipes that exist, it simply consists of preparing a basic vinaigrette with which we will add flavor to our cucumbers and that's it, easy isn't it? a perfect recipe for the hottest months, since cucumber itself contains a high perc...
The fabada or fabada Asturiana is a typical dish both in Gijón and throughout Asturias, even the fabada is one of the most important of Spanish cuisine, is a spoon dish that is made mainly with beans, smoked sausage, smoked black pudding, bacon and pork shoulder, although the latter is ...
There is nothing better than finishing our meals with a delicious dessert and if it is with fruit, much better, so today we are going to teach you how to prepare some delicious apples with cinnamon, a super easy and quick recipe that you will have ready in a few minutes. We invite you to follo...
In this opportunity we are going to prepare arepa de chicharrón a variant of the traditional arepa, to make it we only need precooked corn flour, pork belly, water and salt. In the case of chicharron we can use pork belly and cook it and then chop it into small pieces and add it to the ...
The chipotle chili is a jalapeño chili that has been left to mature for a while and then smoked and dried, thus obtaining a reddish-brown product with a very spicy and peculiar flavor, it is widely used to prepare different types of recipes such as stews, sauces, among others....
Baked salmon with lemon is a very simple recipe where basically we do not have to do almost nothing, beyond cutting a few wheels of lemon, the oven will take care of the rest, therefore, it is an ideal recipe for when you want to eat delicious but without spending so much time in the kitchen....
The cheeks are an exquisite cut of meat that is extracted from the face of the animal, either beef or pork and although in the past it was not given much value, today it is considered one of the finest and tastiest meats, among the many recipes you can prepare with cheeks, one of the most appr...
Today we will teach you how to prepare another fantastic recipe with chickpeas, it is a rich and healthy chickpeas with spinach, this time we want to teach you how to prepare our express version, where we start with canned chickpeas, this way we will save a lot of time in the kitchen and they ...
One of the popular dishes that we find in the gastronomy of the Dominican Republic, is its traditional mangú, a kind of green plantain puree, to prepare it, the first thing to do is to remove the skin of the green plantain, cut it into pieces, then cook it in boiling water and finally m...
Today we are going to teach you how to prepare a delicious sea bass en papillote, a recipe that is very easy to make and does not require much effort, it is so simple that it will always look good, it is also a very healthy and low calorie dish....
One of the fish that give a lot of play in the kitchen is cod, whether fresh, frozen, salted or desalted, with it we can make countless recipes, such as an exquisite cod in green sauce that will be the recipe you will learn to prepare today....
Today we are going to prepare a delicious country salad, easy and very quick to prepare, it is the classic summer potato salad very typical of Spanish cuisine, as for the ingredients of this salad, first and foremost, is the potato and then you can add other vegetables such as onion, spring on...