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Chicken Meatballs in Sauce

Chicken Meatballs in Sauce
Chicken Meatballs in Sauce
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Category: Chicken

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 00:25

Dish: Main

Quantity: 4


  • 800 g. of minced chicken
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic and parsley mashed (2 cloves of garlic and a handful of parsley crushed)
  • 1 carrot chopped in small squares
  • 1 onion chopped in small squares
  • 1/2 red bell pepper chopped in small squares
  • 1 slice of sliced bread soaked in milk
  • 60 g. bread crumbs
  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml. of crushed natural tomato
  • 60 ml. of white wine
  • 1 tablespoon of all-purpose wheat flour
  • All-purpose flour for breading
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Olive oil

How To Make It

Step 1: We begin the preparation of our chicken meatballs in sauce, for this, in a bowl we will place the chopped chicken, salt, pepper, bread previously dipped in milk, egg, garlic and parsley, bread crumbs and mix until all the ingredients are integrated.

Step 1: How To Make Chicken Meatballs in Sauce

Step 2: In a frying pan over medium heat add the oil until hot, then add the onion and let it cook for a couple of minutes, then add the bell pepper, the carrot, stir and let it cook for 4 more minutes, then add the natural tomato sauce, the white wine, the spoonful of flour, the salt and let it cook for 15 minutes.

Step 2: How To Make Chicken Meatballs in Sauce

Step 3: Now it is time to form our chicken meatballs, to do so, we take portions of the chicken and form small balls the size of a golf ball, then we roll them in flour and finally we seal them in a frying pan with a little oil.

Step 3: How To Make Chicken Meatballs in Sauce

Step 4: After 15 minutes of cooking our sauce, we will add our chicken meatballs and let them cook for 10 minutes, remove from heat and we have ready our delicious chicken meatballs in sauce!

Step 4: How To Make Chicken Meatballs in Sauce

Tips To Prepare It

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