Chicken with zucchini

Dish: Main
Quantity: 2
Chicken with zucchini is one of those recipes that get us out of trouble because it is prepared quickly and easily, it is also a healthy dish that can conquer almost any palate and is prepared with only three ingredients. We invite you to follow our step-by-step videos where we will show you how to prepare this delicious chicken, an economical recipe to include in our daily meals.
- 1 whole chicken breast cut into cubes
- 1 onion cut into julienne strips
- 1/2 zucchini cut in cubes
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Olive oil
How To Make It
Step 1: We begin the preparation of our chicken with zucchini, for this, in a wok with a little olive oil and medium high heat, add the onion, zucchini, sauté for 4 minutes and set aside.
Step 2: In the same wok add the chicken and cook for 10 minutes, then add the reserved zucchini and onion, stir, cook for 1 minute, remove from the heat and our delicious and healthy chicken is ready.
Tips To Prepare It
You can add to the chicken with zucchini other vegetables such as carrots, beans, among others.
You can use either chicken breast or chicken thigh fillets.
You can cut the chicken into cubes or strips, as well as the zucchini, which you can cut into cubes or slices.
What can we accompany this recipe with?
Serve this delicious chicken with zucchini with white rice or baked potatoes.
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