Croaker ceviche
Dish: Appetizer
Quantity: 2
Country: Peru
One of the dishes that we love to prepare the most, are raw dishes and among our favorites are the ceviches that besides being delicious are quite healthy and low in calories, there is a great variety of ceviche recipes, most of them use white fish, as is the case of croaker ceviche, one of the most popular and traditional, although you can also use blue fish such as salmon or tuna.
To prepare croaker ceviche it is essential to use a fresh croaker and before starting the recipe we must remove the bones, skin and cut it into cubes, we must also have some fresh and ripe lemons to obtain the necessary juice for cooking our ceviche, they can be limes as well.
We invite you to watch our video below where we will show you how to prepare our version of croaker ceviche, a typical dish of Peruvian cuisine that you can not miss.
- 500 g. croaker cut in cubes
- 1/2 red onion cut into thin julienne strips
- Juice of 5 limes
- Chopped fresh cilantro
- Corn to taste
- Salt and pepper to taste
How To Make It
Step 1: We begin the preparation of our croaker ceviche, for this, in a bowl or container add the croaker, a little salt, a little pepper, lemon juice, stir well and let stand for 7 minutes in the refrigerator, after 7 minutes, add the red onion, corn, stir again and we have ready our delicious ceviche.
Tips To Prepare It
If you do not have lime, you can substitute it with lemon.
If you are a fan of spiciness, add a little chili or chili pepper.
To add even more flavor to our croaker ceviche, we can use a wide variety of ingredients, such as red onion, cilantro, peppers, chili peppers, corn, sweet potato, among others, there are also other versions where passion fruit juice, tomato or coconut milk are added.
What can we accompany this recipe with?
We can eat the croaker ceviche as a starter, main course or as an appetizer served in small glasses and to accompany it goes a little to taste, we can eat it with crackers, tostones, bread toasts ....
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