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Fish soup

Fish soup
Fish soup
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Category: Soups and Creams

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 00:40

Dish: Starter

Quantity: 4


  • 1 liter of fish fumet or fish broth
  • 500 g. of hake cut into bite-size cubes
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 1 leek, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 1 chopped carrot
  • 30 ml. of crushed natural tomato
  • 20 ml. brandy
  • 1 slice of toasted bread cut into cubes
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil

How To Make It

Step 1:

We begin the preparation of our fish soup, for this, in a pot at medium temperature and with a little olive oil, we will add the onion, garlic, leek and carrot and let it cook for 10 minutes, then add the toasted bread, stir and let it cook for 2 minutes.

Step 1: How To Make Fish soup

Step 2:

Add the crushed tomato, brandy, stir and let the alcohol evaporate (2 minutes), add the fish fumet and when it starts to boil, lower the heat and cook for 20 minutes.

Step 2: How To Make Fish soup

Step 3:

After 20 minutes, we are going to grind our fish soup, for this, you can use an arm grinder or do it in a blender, we grind until we see a mixture as homogeneous as possible (if we use an arm grinder, you can do it directly in the pot and with the fire on, if you use a blender, when you finish grinding, add the mixture back to the pot).

Step 3: How To Make Fish soup

Step 4:

When we have our fish soup well mashed, add the fish pieces (previously seasoned with salt and pepper) and cook for 5 minutes, then remove from the heat and we have our delicious fish soup ready.

Step 4: How To Make Fish soup

Tips To Prepare It

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