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Mexican chicken flautas

Mexican chicken flautas
Mexican chicken flautas
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Category: Chicken

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 00:45

Dish: Main

Quantity: 4

Country: Mexico


  • 1 cooked and shredded chicken breast
  • 12 corn tortillas
  • Sour cream
  • 300 g. shredded soft cheese
  • Chopped lettuce
  • Fresh cilantro
  • 1/2 red bell pepper cut in small squares
  • 1/2 green bell pepper cut into small squares
  • 1 onion cut in small squares
  • 1/2 half onion cut into julienne strips
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How To Make It

Step 1: We begin the preparation of our Mexican chicken flautas, for this, in a pot at medium temperature, add the oil until hot, add the onion and garlic and let cook for a couple of minutes, then add the green bell pepper and red bell pepper, let cook for 7 minutes.

Step 1: How To Make Mexican chicken flautas

Step 2: Add the chicken and stir, then add the chili powder, salt, pepper, chili and mix, cook for 8 more minutes and set aside.

Step 2: How To Make Mexican chicken flautas

Step 3: Take a tortilla and place two to three spoonfuls of the chicken, roll it up as shown in the video and close it with a toothpick (repeat the process with all the tortillas).

Step 3: How To Make Mexican chicken flautas

Step 4: We add the oil in a frying pan until hot and then we will fry all our flautas until golden brown.

Step 4: How To Make Mexican chicken flautas

Step 5: Retiramos del fuego, colocamos en papel absorbente para retirar excesos de aceite y servimos agregando por encima un poco de lechuga, el queso, la crema agria y ya tenemos listas nuestras flautas de pollo mexicanas.

Step 5: How To Make Mexican chicken flautas

Tips To Prepare It

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