Pasta with alfredo sauce and chicken
Dish: Main
Quantity: 4
Country: Italy
Pasta with alfredo sauce and chicken is a very simple and quick recipe to make, it will only take us a few minutes in the kitchen, it is perfect for those days when we do not have time to spare, but we want to eat a complete and delicious dish, the truth is that the result is wonderful even when it basically has two ingredients, although this time we will also add chicken to add a little protein to our pasta, follow our step by step videos below where we will explain the whole process to make it.
- 1 whole chicken breast
- 460 g. of fettuccine
- 80 ml. of pasta cooking water
- 90 g. butter
- 100 g. Parmesan cheese
- Salt, pepper and dried basil to taste
- Olive oil
How To Make It
Step 1:
Comenzamos la elaboración de nuestra pasta con salsa alfredo y pollo, para ello, en un cazo vamos a agregar agua con un poco de sal, en el momento que ya esté hirviendo, agregamos los fettuccini y dejamos cocinar hasta que estén hechos y reservamos (reservamos también 80 ml del agua de la cocción).
Step 2:
En una sartén a temperatura media alta con un poco de aceite de oliva, agregamos los filetes de pollo, agregamos la, sal, la pimienta y la albahaca, cocinamos hasta que estén dorados y hechos (10 minutos aproximadamente), posteriormente los vamos a cortar en tiras y reservamos.
Step 3:
In another skillet over medium low heat, we will place the butter and let it melt completely, then add the pasta cooking water, the fettuccini and mix, remove from heat and add the Parmesan cheese and pepper, mix until everything is well integrated.
Step 4:
In a plate we put the pasta, the chicken, a little more pepper and we have our pasta with alfredo sauce and chicken ready!
What can we accompany this recipe with?
Pasta with alfredo sauce and chicken is a very complete and satiating dish, accompanied with a light salad and a good glass of white wine.
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