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Porrusalda, leek soup

Porrusalda, leek soup
Porrusalda, leek soup
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Category: Soups and Creams

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 00:45

Dish: Starter

Quantity: 4

Country: Spain


  • 3 chopped leeks (only the stalk, you can reserve the leaves for other preparations)
  • 3 chopped carrots
  • 3 potatoes cut into pieces
  • 1 onion cut into small cubes
  • 900 ml. of chicken broth
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil

How To Make It

Step 1:

We begin the preparation of our porrusalda, for this, in a pot at medium temperature and with a little olive oil, we will add the onion and let it cook for a couple of minutes, then add the leek and stir with the onion, add the carrot, potatoes, a little salt and stir again, let it cook for a couple of minutes.

Step 1: How To Make Porrusalda, leek soup

Step 2:

Add the chicken broth and when it starts to boil, cover and let it cook for 20 minutes or until the potatoes and carrots are perfectly cooked, remove from heat and we have our porrusalda ready, enjoy.

Step 2: How To Make Porrusalda, leek soup

Tips To Prepare It

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