Shredded chicken

Dish: Main
Quantity: 4
Today we teach you how to prepare a delicious shredded chicken, shredded chicken or shredded chicken (depending on the country where you are, they call it one way or another), a very easy recipe that serves as the basis for preparing a lot of dishes, such as pasta, sandwiches, sandwiches, filling arepas, empanadas, tortillas, lasagna, cannelloni, etc. There are many ways to prepare it, and this is a bit to taste or depending on the region where it is prepared.
This time we will prepare one of my versions of shredded chicken, I use this version to fill empanadas, arepas or sandwiches and when I am going to prepare recipes such as lasagna, cannelloni or burritos, I vary the ingredients a little, adding tomato, spring onion... Likewise, I will be posting here on the web, the other versions I make of shredded chicken recipes.
- 1 whole chicken breast
- 1/2 red bell pepper cut in small squares
- 1/2 green bell pepper cut in small squares
- 1 onion cut in small squares
- 1/2 tablespoon cumin
- 1/2 tablespoon turmeric
- Olive oil
- Pepper to taste
- Salt to taste
How To Make It
Step 1: We begin the preparation of our shredded chicken, for this, in a pot add plenty of water and bring it to a boil, when it is boiling, add salt, add the chicken breasts and let it cook for 35 minutes, remove from water, let it cool and shred as I show you in the video.
Step 2: In a frying pan at medium temperature add oil until hot, then add the onion and let it cook for a couple of minutes, then add the red bell pepper and the green bell pepper and let it cook for a few more minutes (6 minutes approximately).
Step 3: Add the shredded chicken breast, cumin, pepper, curcuma, salt and mix, cook for 7 minutes, remove from heat and our delicious shredded chicken is ready.
Tips To Prepare It
After cooking the chicken breasts in water, you can reserve the broth and use it in other preparations.
When shredding the chicken, make sure it is already cold, so you don't burn it.
In this shredded chicken recipe, we use chicken breasts, but you can use other pieces such as thighs, thighs, drumsticks, ham, etc.
What can we accompany this recipe with?
This delicious shredded chicken is perfect for filling arepas, empanadas, eating with white rice, filling sandwiches, etc.
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