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Tomato soup

Tomato soup
Tomato soup
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Category: Soups and Creams

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 00:30

Dish: Starter

Quantity: 4


  • 1 kg. tomatoes cut in quarters
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 peeled garlic clove
  • 200 ml. of vegetable broth
  • Croutons to accompany
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil

How To Make It

Step 1:

We begin the preparation of our tomato soup, for this, in the blender we add the tomatoes and crush them very well, then we strain the mixture to remove the remains of seeds and skin of the tomato.

Step 1: How To Make Tomato soup

Step 2:

In a pot with a little olive oil and medium heat, add the onion, garlic and cook for 4 minutes, then add the tomatoes that we crushed, the vegetable broth, a little salt, a little pepper, stir and let cook over low heat for 25 minutes.

Step 2: How To Make Tomato soup

Step 3:

After 25 minutes, remove from the heat, pour into the blender and blend until a creamy to light texture is obtained.

Step 3: How To Make Tomato soup

Step 4:

Serve in a bowl, add the croutons on top and enjoy our delicious tomato soup! (you can also add cheese, nuts or whatever you like).

Step 4: How To Make Tomato soup

Tips To Prepare It

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