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Baked Chinese bread

Baked Chinese bread
Baked Chinese bread
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Category: Doughs and breads

Difficulty: Medium

Time: 02:20

Dish: Side

Quantity: 4

Country: China


  • 310 gr. of strong flour
  • 100 ml. of water
  • 6 gr. of fresh yeast or 3 gr. of instant yeast (in this recipe we will use instant yeast)
  • 3 gr. salt
  • 35 gr. of eggs (beat eggs and weigh just 35 gr.)
  • 20 gr. of egg yolk (keep the egg whites)
  • 35 gr. vegetable oil
  • 45 gr. sugar

How To Make It

Step 1: We begin the preparation of our Chinese bread, for this, in a bowl we will mix all the ingredients except salt, we start incorporating the flour, add the yeast, sugar and mix, then add the eggs, egg yolk and oil, integrate everything and finally add the water and continue kneading.

Step 1: How To Make Baked Chinese bread

Step 2: Once all the ingredients are integrated, add the salt and knead again for 10 minutes, we should have a very soft dough without sticking to the fingers.

Step 2: How To Make Baked Chinese bread

Step 3: We form balls of about 47 gr. each (should leave 10) we take a ball and take it to the counter or work table, then crush a little and we bring the edges to the center (see video) finally we turn it over and return to give a circular movements with both hands until we get a smooth ball with a kind of swirl on the bottom.

Step 3: How To Make Baked Chinese bread

Step 4: We place the balls (one next to the other) in a rectangular bowl with high walls previously greased (as shown in the video) in order to consolidate the shape of the bread, let stand for 2 hours covered with a clean cloth and preferably in a warm area such as the same oven at home.

Step 4: How To Make Baked Chinese bread

Step 5: After the rest time of the dough, we glaze our Chinese bread with the egg whites and take it to the oven at 160º C / 320º F for 20 to 25 minutes.

Step 5: How To Make Baked Chinese bread

Step 6: After the time in the oven, we remove our Chinese bread, let it cool for a couple of minutes, unmold and enjoy!

Step 6: How To Make Baked Chinese bread

Tips To Prepare It

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