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Chocolate cookies

Chocolate cookies
Chocolate cookies
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Category: Desserts

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 00:25

Dish: Dessert

Quantity: 24


  • 300 g. all-purpose flour
  • 125 g. white sugar
  • 250 g. butter at room temperature
  • 30 g. cocoa powder
  • 5 g. baking powder

How To Make It

Step 1:

We begin the preparation of our chocolate cookies, for this, in a bowl mix the flour with baking powder and set aside, then in another bowl add the butter (it is important that it is at room temperature to be better integrated) the sugar and with the help of an electric whisk, beat until whitened (until it takes a whitish color).

Step 1: How To Make Chocolate cookies

Step 2:

Add the cocoa powder and mix well, then add a quarter of the reserved flour and mix, then add the rest of the flour and continue mixing until it is perfectly integrated.

Step 2: How To Make Chocolate cookies

Step 3:

Take a portion of the dough and form a small ball (repeat the process until all the dough is used up, making sure they are all the same size), then place them on a baking sheet (lined with parchment paper) and with the help of a fork, flatten them a little to give them shape and then bake them in the oven at 180 ºC / 356 °F for 14 minutes.

Step 3: How To Make Chocolate cookies

Step 4:

After the baking time, we remove our chocolate cookies from the oven, let them cool (you will see that they come out a little soft, but it is totally normal, with the rest they will take consistency, it is important not to handle the cookies until they are cold, as you run the risk of breaking them) and we have our delicious chocolate cookies ready, enjoy them.

Step 4: How To Make Chocolate cookies

Tips To Prepare It

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