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Dominican Mangú

Dominican Mangú
Dominican Mangú
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Category: Vegetables

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 00:25

Dish: Side

Quantity: 2


  • 2 plantains
  • Water
  • 45 g. butter
  • Pickled red onion
  • Salt to taste

How To Make It

Step 1: To prepare mangú, the first thing to do is to remove the ends of our plantains, remove the skin and cut them into pieces, then place a pot with plenty of water on the fire and as soon as it starts to boil, add the plantain pieces and let it cook for 15 minutes.

Step 1: How To Make Dominican Mangú

Step 2: After 15 minutes, remove the bananas from the water and add them to a bowl, then with the help of a fork, we will mash the plantains very well until a mashed texture begins to form, add salt, butter and continue mashing, finally add a little water (we add a small amount until a creamy mashed texture is obtained).

Step 2: How To Make Dominican Mangú

Step 3: Serve a portion on a plate, add the pickled onions on top and our delicious mangú is ready.

Step 3: How To Make Dominican Mangú

Tips To Prepare It

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