Dough for Argentinean empanada

Dish: Appetizer
Quantity: 4
Country: Argentina
There are many types of empanadas worldwide, each region makes them in its own way and with different types of dough and fillings, among the most outstanding we can name the Chilean empanadas, Argentinean empanadas, Venezuelan empanadas or Galician empanadas, among others.
Today we show you how to prepare the dough for Argentine empanadas, very easy and quick to prepare and the best of all is that it does not require any leavening process or resting time, it is prepared with lard, flour, salt and water.
This Argentinean empanada dough recipe can be used to prepare baked empanadas as well as fried empanadas.
We invite you to follow our step by step videos, where we will show you the whole process to make Argentinean empanada dough! So you can fill them and enjoy them with whatever you like.
- 325 gr. all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon of salt
- 200 ml. hot water (but not boiling)
- 1 tablespoon melted lard (the tablespoon should be measured in solid state)
How To Make It
Step 1: We begin the preparation of our dough for Argentine empanadas, for this, in a bowl we are going to add the flour, salt, melted lard and mix.
Step 2: Then we add the water little by little and we knead until we obtain a smooth and homogeneous texture.
Step 3: On a flat surface we sprinkle a little flour and with the help of a rolling pin we are going to stretch our dough forming a rectangle.
Step 4: With the help of a circular mold or medium round plate, we are going to form circles or discs as I show you in the video.
Step 5: We reserve placing a little flour between each disk and we have our dough ready to make Argentinean empanadas.
Tips To Prepare It
The water for the Argentine empanada dough should be hot but not boiling.
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