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Egg flan

Egg flan
Egg flan
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Category: Desserts

Difficulty: Medium

Time: 01:00

Dish: Dessert

Quantity: 8


  • 500 ml. of whole milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g. sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar (for the caramel)
  • 3 tablespoons of water (for the caramel)

How To Make It

Step 1: We begin the preparation of our egg flan, for this, in a pot at medium low temperature, add the 4 tablespoons of sugar, the three tablespoons of water and let it cook until it takes a golden color (as I show you in the video, be careful with the temperature, it should not be too high because it could burn the caramel) when we have the caramel ready, remove it from the heat and we will pour it into the container where we will prepare our flan, let it cool.

Step 1: How To Make Egg flan

Step 2: In another bowl add the eggs, sugar and with the help of a whisk, beat very well until well integrated, then add the milk and integrate again, pour this mixture into the container where we are going to prepare our flan (where we add the caramel) cover and take it to the bain-marie, for this, in a pot much larger than our container, add 3 to 4 cm of water, then introduce our container with the flan mixture tightly covered and let it cook over low heat (without boiling) for 1 hour.

Step 2: How To Make Egg flan

Step 3: After the hour of cooking, we remove our flan from the fire and let it cool at room temperature, then we take it to the refrigerator for 4 hours (always covered, if you leave it from the night before, much better), after the time, we serve and we have our delicious egg flan ready.

Step 3: How To Make Egg flan

Tips To Prepare It

What can we accompany this recipe with?

Preguntas y respuestas

What do you mean by bain-marie?

The bain-marie consists of placing the container with the flan mixture in another larger container with hot water, thus maintaining a constant temperature for slow and uniform cooking.

Is it important that the flan is at room temperature before refrigerating it?

Yes, since sudden changes in temperature can affect the texture of the flan.

Can brown sugar be used for the caramel?

Yes, but the flavor and color will be slightly different.


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