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Grilled asparagus

Grilled asparagus
Grilled asparagus
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Category: Vegetables

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 00:15

Dish: Side

Quantity: 2


  • 20 asparagus
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil

How To Make It

Step 1: We begin the preparation of our grilled asparagus, for this, we must first wash them very well under the tap and then we remove part of the stem, the easiest and most accurate way to know where just cut the stem, is to go bending from below and just where it splits, is the perfect point (see video) repeat the process with all the asparagus (you can save the part of the stem that we cut and use it to prepare a vegetable broth).

Step 1: How To Make Grilled asparagus

Step 2: In a frying pan over medium high heat, add a little olive oil and incorporate our wild asparagus, when we see that they begin to make noise, lower the heat a little and we will move them from time to time so that they are browning all over, when we see that they are already taking color, add a little salt and continue stirring until you see that they are tender and a little soft (the total cooking time is between 10 and 12 minutes, depending on the temperature at which you are cooking them and the point you are looking for, with 10 and 12 minutes, they will be just right but if you like them softer, cook them a few minutes more). Serve on a plate and we have our delicious and healthy grilled asparagus ready.

Step 2: How To Make Grilled asparagus

Tips To Prepare It

What can we accompany this recipe with?

Preguntas y respuestas

Can I use the cut stems for another recipe?

Yes, the stems can be used to make vegetable broths or soups.

How do I know if the asparagus is ready?

The asparagus is ready when it is browned and tender when pierced with a fork.

Can I add other ingredients?

Yes, you can add other ingredients, such as chopped garlic, lemon or grated Parmesan cheese.


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