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Homemade whole wheat bread

Homemade whole wheat bread
Homemade whole wheat bread
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Category: Doughs and breads

Difficulty: Medium

Time: 00:55

Dish: Side

Quantity: 8


  • 280 g. whole wheat flour
  • 120 g. of strong flour (000 baker's flour)
  • 5 g. baker's dry yeast
  • 260 ml. warm milk
  • 20 ml. olive oil
  • 20 g. sugar
  • 8 g. salt
  • Oat flakes (to add on top)

How To Make It

Step 1:

We begin by making the dough for our whole wheat bread, for this, in a bowl we will add the whole wheat flour, flour, salt, sugar and with the help of a wooden spoon, mix everything very well, then add the warm milk, dry yeast, olive oil and mix again, when you see that the ingredients are almost integrated, place the dough on a flat surface and knead with your hands for 10 minutes (if you have a bread machine, you can also use it) after the kneading time, form a kind of ball and place it back in the bowl covered with a cloth and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place (I use the oven).

Step 1: How To Make Homemade whole wheat bread

Step 2:

After the resting time, we remove the dough from the bowl, place it on a flat surface and with the help of a rolling pin we will stretch it to form a rectangle of the same width of our mold, then we roll the dough on itself, pressing a little to make it compact and fold the ends down as I show you in the video.

Step 2: How To Make Homemade whole wheat bread

Step 3:

In a bread pan, previously greased with butter or covered with parchment paper, we place our dough, cover with a cloth and let it rest for 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish rising.

Step 3: How To Make Homemade whole wheat bread

Step 4:

After the resting time, we glaze our bread on top with a little milk, add the oat flakes and put our bread in the oven at 220 ºC / 428 °F for 25 to 30 minutes (heat up and down and fan).

Step 4: How To Make Homemade whole wheat bread

Step 5:

Once the time is over, remove our bread from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes, then unmold it, place it on a rack and let it cool completely (do not let the bread cool inside the mold because the heat generates humidity and that is not what we want) once our bread is at room temperature, cut it into slices and enjoy!

Step 5: How To Make Homemade whole wheat bread

Tips To Prepare It

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