
Dish: Dessert
Quantity: 4
Country: Spain
One of the first sweet recipes I learned to make when I was very young was the delicious natillas, a traditional dessert in Spanish gastronomy that is never missing at home or in restaurants.
The natillas are a very easy recipe to make and at the same time very economical because its ingredients are products that we always have available and that are within everyone's reach (egg, milk and sugar).
Like all traditional recipes there are many ways to make natillas, it depends on each person's taste, some people add vanilla and some don't, others like it thicker, others lighter!!! I personally like them with vanilla, as it gives them a delicious flavor and I like the texture of thick custard better!
We invite you to follow our step by step videos, where we will show you the whole process to make these delicious natillas!! perfect for a snack or to end our meals!
If you like traditional desserts, be sure to prepare this delicious chocolate custard, another version of this delicious dessert! or this traditional Arroz con leche or Arroz con leche y chocolate!!! and if you are more into cakes, this chocolate sponge cake recipe is very easy to prepare!!!
- 500 ml. of whole milk
- 15 gr. cornstarch
- 70 gr. sugar
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 1 cinnamon stick
- The peel of a lemon
- Maria cookies
- Powdered cinnamon (optional)
- 3 egg yolks
How To Make It
Step 1:
We begin the preparation of our custard, for this, in a pot at medium low temperature we will place the milk, cinnamon stick, lemon peel, vanilla and mix, let it cook and when it starts to boil remove from heat.
Step 2:
On the other hand, in a bowl we are going to add the egg yolks, sugar, cornstarch and begin to mix vigorously until obtaining a cream.
Step 3:
With the help of a strainer we incorporate the milk mixture previously prepared to remove the cinnamon stick and lemon peel, mix.
Step 4:
In a saucepan at medium low temperature we incorporate the mixture and let it cook until we obtain a creamy and homogeneous texture.
Step 5:
In a large bowl or several small bowls, we will add the custard mixture, we will place a maria cookie on top and take them to the refrigerator for 3 hours (cover with plastic wrap).
Step 6:
After the time in the refrigerator, we take out our custard, add cinnamon powder on top and we already have our delicious custard! Enjoy!
Tips To Prepare It
When taking the natillas to the refrigerator, cover them with plastic wrap to prevent the cold from spoiling them.
Vanilla is optional, I like to use it because it adds a delicious flavor.
What can we accompany this recipe with?
These delicious natillas are perfect as a dessert or for a delicious snack.
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