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Orange sponge cake

Orange sponge cake
Orange sponge cake
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Category: Desserts

Difficulty: Medium

Time: 01:00

Dish: Dessert

Quantity: 8


  • 210 g. all-purpose flour (sifted)
  • 200 g. white sugar
  • 3 eggs size L
  • 1 plain yogurt (125 g.)
  • 115 g. melted butter
  • 16 g. of baking powder
  • Juice of one orange
  • The zest of 2 oranges (1 for the cake and 1 for decoration)
  • 50 g. of butter at room temperature (for the frosting)
  • 150 g. powdered sugar (for the icing)
  • 5 drops of vanilla extract (for the icing)
  • 100 g. cream cheese (for the frosting)
  • 15 ml. orange juice (for the glaze)

How To Make It

Step 1:

We begin the preparation of our orange sponge cake, for this we preheat our oven to 180 ºC / 356 °F (up and down option) then in a bowl add the eggs, sugar and with the help of an electric mixer, beat until it doubles its volume and takes a light yellow color, then add the yogurt, the zest of 1 orange, the melted butter, the juice of 1 orange and continue beating.

Step 1: How To Make Orange sponge cake

Step 2:

On the other hand and in another bowl, mix the flour and baking powder and with the help of a whisk, incorporate it into our mixture until it is completely integrated.

Step 2: How To Make Orange sponge cake

Step 3:

In a previously greased baking pan with parchment paper, add the mixture and bake in the oven at 180 ºC for 50 minutes.

Step 3: How To Make Orange sponge cake

Step 4:

On the other hand we are going to elaborate our vanilla and orange glaze, for this in a bowl we will place the butter and with the help of an electric mixer, beat until we get a smooth and creamy texture, then add the orange juice, vanilla and continue mixing, then gradually add the powdered sugar without stopping beating and finally add the cream cheese, continue beating until you get a smooth and very creamy texture (reserve in the refrigerator).

Step 4: How To Make Orange sponge cake

Step 5:

After the baking time in the oven, we remove our cake or sponge cake and let it cool at room temperature, then add our glaze on top until completely covered, the zest of the other orange and now we have our delicious orange sponge cake ready to enjoy!

Step 5: How To Make Orange sponge cake

Tips To Prepare It

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