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Indian Naan Bread

Indian Naan Bread
Indian Naan Bread
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Category: Doughs and breads

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 01:20

Dish: Side

Quantity: 4

Country: India


  • 400 gr. of wheat flour
  • 8 gr. of instant yeast
  • 200 ml. of warm water
  • 125 gr. of Greek or natural yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 50 gr. melted butter
  • Salt flakes

How To Make It

Step 1: We begin the preparation of our naan bread, for this, in a bowl or large bowl add the wheat flour, salt, yeast, yogurt, oil and water (mix until a homogeneous dough).

Step 1: How To Make Indian Naan Bread

Step 2: Remove the dough from the bowl and continue the kneading process on a flat surface for 5 more minutes, then cover with a clean cloth and let stand for 1 hour.

Step 2: How To Make Indian Naan Bread

Step 3: After the resting time, we place our dough on a flat surface and cut it into pieces of equal size.

Step 3: How To Make Indian Naan Bread

Step 4: We take a piece of dough and form a ball, then we flatten it to create a circle of about 15 cm (repeat this process with all the pieces of dough).

Step 4: How To Make Indian Naan Bread

Step 5: In a frying pan at medium heat, we place our dough and let it cook on both sides until it takes a golden color.

Step 5: How To Make Indian Naan Bread

Step 6: Finally we take the melted butter and with the help of a brush, varnish our Pan naan over the entire surface, add the flaked salt and enjoy!

Step 6: How To Make Indian Naan Bread

Tips To Prepare It

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