Tomato jam

Dish: Dip or Sauce
Quantity: 6
Usually when we think of jam we associate it with fruits such as strawberry, peach, apple, raspberry, among others, but this time we will prepare a tomato jam, a homemade recipe that is very simple to prepare, also this jam has a peculiar flavor because it mixes the acidity of tomatoes with the sweetness of sugar, becoming a delicacy.
To prepare it we only need 3 ingredients which are tomatoes, sugar and lemon, we will start blanching the tomatoes to remove the skin in a simple and fast way, then we will crush them and then we will incorporate them in a pot where we will also add sugar, lemon juice and cook for about 40 minutes until we get our delicious jam.
Follow our step by step videos, where we will explain in detail how to prepare tomato jam, an ideal recipe for our breakfasts.
- 1 kg (35.2 oz / 2.2 lb) tomatoes
- 220 g (7.76 oz / 0.48 lb) sugar
- Juice of 1/2 lemon
How To Make It
Step 1: We begin the preparation of our tomato jam, for this, in a pot with water over high heat and until it boils, we incorporate the tomatoes and let them cook for about 5 minutes, then remove them from the heat, wait for them to cool and remove the skin as shown in the video, then add them in the blender cup and grind them.
Step 2: In a saucepan over medium low heat add the crushed tomato, sugar and lemon juice, stir and let it cook for 45 minutes or until it has a slightly thick texture and our delicious tomato jam is ready (do not use a very high heat to prevent it from burning at the bottom).
Tips To Prepare It
We can prepare this tomato jam recipe with any variety of tomato such as perita tomato, canary tomato or vine tomato, among others.
To sweeten we can use sugar as in the case of this recipe or other sweeteners such as honey.
It is important that you do not neglect the cooking of the jam so that it does not burn or lose all the liquid and become dry.
What can we accompany this recipe with?
The tomato jam is ideal to accompany our breakfasts although we can also eat it at any time of the day as an appetizer with toast, with cheese or we can even add it to meals such as hamburgers or salads.
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