Garlic sauce

Dish: Dip or Sauce
Quantity: 4
Country: Venezuela
Venezuelan empanadas is one of the meals that Venezuelans usually eat for breakfast, there are several types of them such as meat empanadas, chicken empanadas or cheese empanadas, among others, but additionally they elaborate sauces or creams to accompany this delicious breakfast!
Among the most popular sauces are hot sauce, cheese sauce, guasacaca (made with avocado), garlic sauce, cilantro sauce, among others, the tradition is to add a little of the sauce (the one you like the most) to each bite of the empanada to give it even more flavor!
Today we are going to elaborate one of these sauces (by the way my favorite) it is the garlic sauce, super creamy and with a flavor that is neither too intense nor too soft, it is perfectly balanced, besides this garlic sauce not only can we use it to accompany pies, we can also use it in sandwiches or even to dress some potatoes, it gives them a delicious touch!!! and best of all, is that it is prepared in a few minutes!!!
We invite you to follow our step by step videos, where we will show you the whole process to prepare this delicious garlic sauce!
- 1 grated garlic clove
- 1 XL size egg
- Juice of half a lemon
- 10 gr. fresh parsley
- Corn oil
- Salt to taste
How To Make It
Step 1: We begin the preparation of our garlic sauce, for this, in a hand blender we are going to incorporate the egg, the lemon juice, the parsley and the garlic, we introduce the arm of the blender until the end and we begin to beat adding little by little the oil in the form of thread until we obtain an emulsified sauce, reserve in a bowl and let stand for about 30 minutes for the flavors to integrate, after this time we have our garlic sauce ready, I hope you enjoy it!
Tips To Prepare It
Add the oil little by little and in a trickle to achieve a perfect emulsion.
The amount of garlic for the sauce depends on the taste of each person, if you want it stronger add more garlic.
The garlic sauce is prepared with raw egg, therefore, keep it in the refrigerator at a suitable temperature and do not consume it after 3 days, in summer I recommend you to consume it only the same day you prepare it.
What can we accompany this recipe with?
This delicious garlic sauce is perfect to accompany some delicious empanadas, I leave here my recipes on how to prepare dough for empanadas and how to prepare beef empanadas!
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