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Reina pepiada arepas

Reina pepiada arepas
Reina pepiada arepas
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Category: Sandwiches & Snacks

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 00:25

Dish: Appetizer

Quantity: 4

Country: Venezuela


  • 1 whole cooked and shredded chicken breast (we cook the chicken in water with 1 small onion and 2 cloves of garlic)
  • 2 avocados
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • Precooked corn flour
  • Water
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How To Make It

Step 1:

We begin the preparation of our reina pepiada arepas, for this, in a bowl pour the precooked corn flour, a little salt, water and knead until a homogeneous texture is obtained.

Step 1: How To Make Reina pepiada arepas

Step 2:

Now it is the turn to form our arepas, for it, we take a portion of the dough, we make a ball and then we flatten it until we form a kind of circumference (we repeat the process with all the dough of the arepas).

Step 2: How To Make Reina pepiada arepas

Step 3:

In a frying pan at medium temperature we are going to place the arepas and we are going to cook them on both sides until they are toasted (20 minutes approximately).

Step 3: How To Make Reina pepiada arepas

Step 4:

In a bowl we are going to place the chicken, avocado, mayonnaise, salt, pepper and integrate.

Step 4: How To Make Reina pepiada arepas

Step 5:

We take an arepa and with the help of a knife, we are going to open them in half as I show you in the video, we add the filling and we have our reina pepiada arepas ready.

Step 5: How To Make Reina pepiada arepas

Tips To Prepare It

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