The panna cotta is a classic Italian dessert, its ingredients are very basic and the result is a delight, it is made with cream, sugar and gelling agents, there are many varieties of panna cotta, such as strawberry panna cotta, coconut panna cotta, caramel panna cott...
Broccoli with cheese is a quick and easy option that we can prepare at home to accompany our meals, this is one of the many recipes that we can make with broccoli, thanks to the combination of flavors does not go unnoticed and is rea...
Oatmeal and banana pancakes are a healthier alternative to the traditional pancakes, they are just as delicious, fluffy and perfect for our breakfasts or snacks....
The gazpacho is a typical cold soup from Spain, basically it is prepared with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garlic and olive oil, among others, but there are countless variations such as this delicious avocado gazpacho that we are going to prepare to...
We always recommend including vegetables in our daily meals, as they provide many benefits to our body and among them are the asparagus and is that apart from allowing us to prepare many recipes, they are very low in calories, so they are ideal if we...
When summer arrives, we usually change a little our meals, as we feel like eating cooler dishes, the good news is that there are plenty of refreshing and quick recipes that we can prepare and that are just as nutritious and complete,...